Yank out a big wad right before the ride or race begins and begin to gnaw on it like the big leaguers in the 80's used to. This serves two purposes. First, you look like a kickass big leaguer.
Second, the chewing that you are doing while you are riding, although wasting small amounts of energy, provides a decoy in case you do begin breathing hard. They see you your mouth open because you have such a kickass wad of gum in it, when really your mouth is open because you are gasping for breath.
They're over there with their air intake (cycling term for mouth) wide open trying to get as much oxygen as possible. You can tell they're at their limit and struggling. You too are at your limit and struggling - but thanks to the 'big league' trick provided by Cat3Phenom, nobody is the wiser.
Good luck out there. Please report back with success stories!
Hey Phenom, I chew gum sometimes to help me relax at the start of a race. Chew-ability is a great way to gauge effort while racing.
If I can chew it without any problems I'm definitely below threshold.
If I have to start thinking about chewing, I'm probably at or near threshold.
Once or twice I've almost choked to death on the bike. This happened when responding to an unexpected attack. :)
Some people just can't seem to ride and chew at the same time.
You've brought up a great point. As a general note, if a person is unable to chew gum and ride a bike at the same time, you do not belong on a bike.
If I can point out just one piece of advice, you should never almost choke to death responding to an unexpected attack. This is because it is impossible for someone to attack the attacker. Make those peeps resond to YOUR attacks!
Thanks for the post.
Mr. Phenom,
Awesome point. From your posts I understand it is hard (read impossible) for you to understand what responding to attacks is like. In life your either the hammer or the nail. You sir, are the hammer. I race the ultimate cat in the New York area and have been known to throw it down a time or two. Keep up the posts, I am learning a lot. From your lack of posts I was a little worried you might have, dare I say it, quit. I guess it must have been some secret recon training or something. Welcome back.
George from New York,
You sir are very correct. Life is great when you're the hammer. Life blows when you're the nail.
Nobody likes to be nailed - oh wait, scratch that.
There are many hammers, and even more nails. You need to go above both of these and become the sledgehammer - or even the jackhammer - ready to destroy what's in your path.
Shred some legs!
who are you? where do you live? why do you steal my secrets and race tactics? I am calling the feds for copyright fraud so i need your name. haha
but seriously
i am also a big fan of that stuff.
Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.
Mandie Hayes
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