Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bought a power meter

Yep, bit the bullet and bought a power tap. It was used and a great price, so I had to do it.

There's so much that you can do with a power meter with regards to training. There's some sweet software out there that will let you know how much intensity you have during your workouts, the duration, your peak 1sec, 5sec, you name it sec watts you're putting out.

This software I'm speaking of will let a cyclist know, through line graphs, pie charts, and bar graphs how long was spent in different training zones and cadence speeds.

Athletes can use this to let them know when it is time to train harder, and when it is time to take a break. You can see if your power is decreasing, increasing, or hitting a plateau.

Many people buy these power meters so that they can properly pace themselves during time trials, using their functional threshold power (FTP) as a baseline for their effort.

You can use this thing to see what intensities you raced at, and the different lengths of time you were at those power levels so that you can then replicate this in your workouts.

People buy these things for a variety of different reasons.

I bought mine just to confirm what I already knew - that I am totally BADASS!

Guess I can sell this thing now.


gravityscrush said...

This post is worthless without graphs.

Lounge Concepts said...

Question, do you polish your nipples both before and after races or just after? I've heard there is a measurable .0005w gain if the nipples are full shine!


Dan Kellerby said...

Funny stuff